Transat 28 december 2024 Class Globe 5.80

A MINI adventure 3,600 miles across the Atlantic Ocean

Lagos - Lanzarote - Antigua

On the 28th of December the race starts in Lagos Portugal. The boat is allready there, only the last preparations have to be done.

From Lagos, a qualifier will be sailed to Lanzarote over a distance of approx 600 nm. This will be 6 days sailing, hopefully with a nice wind. In Lanzarote there will be a week to do the final checks and repairs. The last shopping to be done so all food, vegetables and drinks are on board! On the 25th of November the big journey starts. 3,000 miles to Antigua in the Carieb.

The qualifier from Lagos to Lanzarote is only 6 to 7 days of sailing. The real transat from Lanzarote to Antiqua is approx 30 to 35 days of sailing. All alone and without any contact to the family at home...


This year there will be 18 competitors from all over the world. All sailing in the same boat with the same specifications. To get to know them see

2023 Programme

  • Start: Marina de Lagos, Portugal, 28 december 2024
  • Restart: Marina Rubicon, Lanzarote, 12 februari 2025
  • Finish: Antigua, around 15 februari

During the race the boats will have a tracker on board, so you can follow our progress.

For more information:
